How well does papaya leaf extract work to cure dengue? Health Professionals Advised

Recently, a little girl who had dengue died after receiving papaya leaf extract from doctors who didn't consult a doctor first, according to a health

 Recently, a little girl who had dengue died after receiving papaya leaf extract from doctors who didn't consult a doctor first, according to a health expert.

Health experts have cautioned that papaya leaf extract has no role in the treatment of dengue; usage of the tips should be avoided as it can make the patient ill. Dengue fever is spreading like wildfire throughout the nation. also be fatal. 

Experts claim that there is no scientific proof to support papaya leaf extract's claim that it raises platelet counts, which can cause severe diarrhoea and even death in certain people.

Dr. Faisal Sultan, a former Special Assistant on Health, claims that papaya leaf juice is useless for treating dengue illness.

A young child with dengue was recently on the verge of death, according to senior doctor Saqib Ansari. The girl's condition continued to worsen and reached a point where no medication was helping.

Dr. Naseem Salahuddin, an expert in infectious diseases, advises against providing papaya leaf extract to dengue patients because the disease is increasingly widespread and there are more effective treatments available.

Expert endocrinologist Dr. Tasneem Ahsan claims that no scientific studies have demonstrated a rise in platelet count in dengue patients treated with papaya leaf extract.

She claimed that she never suggests using it to her patients and cautions them that doing so would be at their own risk.

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